This documentary said that writing can help artists of any medium.
So here we are.
You don't have to have artistic "talent". You don't have to have "skills". You just have to show up. You have to keep doing. Over and over and over again.
Photography is more than a job for me. It is a way of connecting with people, and making them feel seen and valued. It is am outlet for me as I deal with chronic illness. It's an escape. It's a reminder and exercise to see outside of myself. Sometimes it's an outlet for the darker side of my brain & emotions. And sometimes it's a way to create light.
I don't do photography to have my work seen by others - pushing for views is an unfortunate side effect of it being my business. I do it for me and for the person standing in front of my lens.
Some photographers consider editing to be where their creativity comes out.
Not me.
I rarely feel creative when I'm editing...that's the "job" part of the process.
For me, the creative part of the process is in planning and executing the photoshoot. Creating how I want the photos to look and feel, putting together outfits, and choosing a location are the start of it. But THEN.
I am standing on location and I lift the viewfinder to my eye. THAT is where I create.
The camera feels completely at home in my hands. It's been there for two thirds of my life.